1.Much to his s( ) she gave him her phone number.2.Every chance is p( );don't miss any chance!3.I didn't e( ) him to stay so long.4.I'm a d( ) with the Los Angles Poilce Department.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?5.An a( ) is a place where aircraft can take off or land.6.We have our m( ) meal at lunchtime.结合句意根据首字母给出的提示 写出单词 并注意运用正确形式


1.Much to his s( ) she gave him her phone number.2.Every chance is p( );don't miss any chance!
3.I didn't e( ) him to stay so long.4.I'm a d( ) with the Los Angles Poilce Department.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?5.An a( ) is a place where aircraft can take off or land.6.We have our m( ) meal at lunchtime.结合句意根据首字母给出的提示 写出单词 并注意运用正确形式

surprise 惊喜
precious  珍贵的
expect  期望
detective  侦探,警探
airport  航空港,机场
meeting  会议 (这个不确定)