jim(get)up at six in the morning my sister and i usually(run)in the park in the evengingwe(eat)breakfast at home very day he usually(take)a shower after getting up what time ( )she(go)to school 为什么要这样填


jim(get)up at six in the morning my sister and i usually(run)in the park in the evenging
we(eat)breakfast at home very day he usually(take)a shower after getting up what time ( )she(go)to school 为什么要这样填

jim(gets)up at six in the morning 第一空主语是三单,一般现在时谓语动词要加S;
my sister and i usually(run)in the park in the evenging 主语复数(两个人),一般现在时谓语动词不变。
we(eat)breakfast at home very day 主语复数,谓语动词不变
he usually(takes)a shower after getting up 主语三单,谓语动词要加S
what time ( does )she(go)to school 主语三单,要加助动词DOES, 后面的动词用原形。


Jim (gets,三单形式) up at six in the morning.My sister and I usually (run,主语是复数,动词用原形) in the park in the evening.We (eat,主语复数,动词原形) breakfast at home every day.He usually (takes,三...