Look! This is my new school. 1 very big.Look! This is my new school. 1 very big. There 2 fifty-two classrooms in it. They're 3 a tall building. The lab is next 4 the classrooms. The library is behind 5 lab. It's in front 6 the dining hall. The offices 7 next to the classrooms, 8 . 9 is a gym behind the tall building. We often 10 basketball in it.


Look! This is my new school. 1 very big.
Look! This is my new school. 1 very big. There 2 fifty-two classrooms in it. They're 3 a
tall building. The lab is next 4 the classrooms. The library is behind 5 lab. It's in front 6
the dining hall. The offices 7 next to the classrooms, 8 . 9 is a gym behind the tall building.
We often 10 basketball in it.

1 it's 2 are 3 in 4 to 5 the 6 of 7 sre 8 too 9 There 10 play