1.Didn't ___ so often.It's bad for your health.A.get up B.stay upC.look up D.tidy up2.I heard a nw English play _____ in the theatre the next week.A.will put on B.will be put on C.would put on D.would be put on 3.The pen ___ him ten yuan.A.paid B.took C.cost D.spent 4.I wonder if she _______ to the school party .She is sure to come if she ________ time tonight .A.comes;hasB.will come;will have C.comes;will have D.will come;has


1.Didn't ___ so often.It's bad for your health.A.get up B.stay upC.look up D.tidy up
2.I heard a nw English play _____ in the theatre the next week.A.will put on B.will be put on C.would put on D.would be put on 3.The pen ___ him ten yuan.A.paid B.took C.cost D.spent 4.I wonder if she _______ to the school party .She is sure to come if she ________ time tonight .A.comes;hasB.will come;will have C.comes;will have D.will come;has

1 【 B.stay up】熬夜 不要经常熬夜,这对你的身体不好.2 【.A.will put on】上演 我听说一个新的英语短剧下周会在剧院上演.3 【C. cost】话费 这个笔花了他10元.4 【D. will come;has】 我想知道她是否会参...