amazing 和amazed.同于interesed和interested吗?不是说人做主语就是-ed吗?但是有he is amazing哦.这样的用法是看句子需要表达的意思吗? 他很有趣 还是he is interesting呢?拿是否证明是人做主语的就用-ed的说法不精确.
amazing 和amazed.同于interesed和interested吗?
不是说人做主语就是-ed吗?但是有he is amazing哦.这样的用法是看句子需要表达的意思吗? 他很有趣 还是he is interesting呢?拿是否证明是人做主语的就用-ed的说法不精确.
amazing, 令人惊异的,使人惊愕不已的.
amazed, 吃惊的, 惊奇的,
eg:I'm amazed to see such an amazing scene.
eg:It's such an interesting story that I am interested in it.
The -ing form expresses the quality of the experience itself: a circus is amazing, a long journey is tiring, an adventure movie is exciting.
The -ed form is the condition of the experiencer: I am amazed by the circus, I am tired from the journey, I am excited after seeing the movie.
An easy way to remember:
The thing is -ing, and -ed is me.
amazing 是让别人感到着迷的,amazed是被迷住的.谁做主语无关紧要,只要按照上述意思去使用就可以.