英语翻译Step1 RevisionGood morning,class.Are you happy today?Yes,me too.Every day when I come into our classroom,I'm always very happy.If I'm happy,I'll laugh,sometimes I'll eat something or talk with my friends.Class,what will happen if you are happy?(Encourage them to stand up and say their sentences.)(The 2nd screen ) What will happen if you play computer games too much?(The 3rd screen) What will happen if you don't finish your math homework?What will


Step1 Revision
Good morning,class.Are you happy today?Yes,me too.Every day when I come into our classroom,I'm always very happy.If I'm happy,I'll laugh,sometimes I'll eat something or talk with my friends.
Class,what will happen if you are happy?(Encourage them to stand up and say their sentences.)
(The 2nd screen ) What will happen if you play computer games too much?(The 3rd screen) What will happen if you don't finish your math homework?What will happen if you go to a party?Many students will give their answers.
Step2 lead to new lesson
Go on asking:Would you like to go to the party?Please look at the screen.(The 4th screen) Here's a notice for you.(The notice is:Next week there is going to be a party for teens in our school.Welcome to join the party.You'll have a great time.Please make ready for the party.)If you go to the party,what will you do?Yes,we'll dress up,put on our beautiful clothes and invite our friends.We have to remember some rules for the school party.Today we'll learn these rules.Now please open you books and turn to p36,3a.
Step3 3a Presentation
(The 5th screen )Read quickly and silently,then answer the following questions.
我就想知道第一行里的 Revision 还有括号里的那个screen 还有倒数第3行,也就是STEP3 后面的单词 Presentation ..

step 1 ~



Screen - 课堂教学放映的投影片;
第三步.叫几位同学表演(Presentation): (先看第5片;快速默读;然后回答问题.(两,三位同学,表演刚看过的第5 片的内容)