英语比较级和*的习题一、写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和*.fast ______ ______wide ______ _______ easy _______ ______small______ ______ large_______ _______ dirty_______ _______long ______ ______ rude ______ _______ busy_______ __________hot_______ _______ thin_______ _______ fat ______ _________few _______ _______ good_______ ______ little_______ ________badly_______ ______ far_______ _______ difficult_______ _____二、用所给形容词和副词的适当形式填空.1.Which lesson is __________ (difficult) in


fast ______ ______wide ______ _______ easy _______ ______
small______ ______ large_______ _______ dirty_______ _______
long ______ ______ rude ______ _______ busy_______ __________
hot_______ _______ thin_______ _______ fat ______ _________
few _______ _______ good_______ ______ little_______ ________
badly_______ ______ far_______ _______ difficult_______ _____
1.Which lesson is __________ (difficult) in Book
2.Alicewrites _____________(carefully ) than I.
3.This story is ( interesting) than that one.
4.That was one of _________( exciting) moments in 2008.
5.This kind of food must be ________ ( delicious )than that one.
6.Beihai park is one of ____________ (beautiful ) parks in Beijing.
7.Who’s ________(careful),Tom,Jim or Kate?
8.That is ________(easy) of all.
9.He is __________(clever )boy in the class.
10.John is ________( short) than Tom.
11.She is _________(pretty)girl in the group.
12.Which film is __________ (interesting),this one or that one?
13.Can you show me________(near) shop here?
14.This bridge is as _______ ( long) as that one,but it is much ______ (wide) than that one.
15.I think English is one of _____ (important ) subjects in middle school.
16.I am only one year ________ (young) than you.
三、在下列句子中填入than,as ,of 或in.
1.This table is as big _____ that one.
2.The red book is bigger _______ the blue one.
3.John is the best student _______ the class.
4.The lesson is more interesting ________ that one.