请将这些英语短语各造一个句子1.be supposed to 2.stay up 3.can't wait to 4.than expected 5.go out 6.mix up 7.as though 8.like crasy 9.in the form of 10.act like 11.be hard on 12.a waste of time 13.be rude to 14.make a difference 15.not anymore 16.after all 17.insist on 18.at present 19.turn up 20.go unpunished


1.be supposed to 2.stay up 3.can't wait to 4.than expected 5.go out 6.mix up 7.as though 8.like crasy 9.in the form of 10.act like 11.be hard on 12.a waste of time 13.be rude to 14.make a difference 15.not anymore 16.after all 17.insist on 18.at present 19.turn up 20.go unpunished

1.We are supposed to be there at six.
2.She stayed up reading until midnight.
3.I can't wait to meet you and your boss.
4.My trip took me longer than I expected.
5.We should go out for a walk after supper.
6.Mix the honey and the milk up.
7.he talked as though he knew everything.
8.I apologize like crazy.
9.A teacher is standing in the front of the classroom
10.You're starting to act like me, and it's really giving me a headache.
11.Don't be too hard on yourself。
12.It's a waste of time to play computer games.
13.We should be polite and don't be rude to others.
14.The fact that I can now organize my own time makes a big difference.
15.I didn't live there anymore.
16.You shouldn't ask him to carry the big case.After all he is only ten.
17.They inisited on climbing up the mountain.
18.There is no way at present of coping with waste products.
19.Something unexpected has turned up.
20.Acid attacks on the rise in Uganda as assailants go unpunished.

楼主,这是我自己的造句,希望能够帮行你!英语爱好者真诚为您解答!1.We are supposed to be abosrbed in studying.(我们应该把心思集中在学习上)2.I stayed up last night.(我昨晚熬夜了)3.I can't wait to see her....