怎样将下列动词变成分词形式并进行分类?practice invite clean go smile enjoy run live tie dig have pay open give walk put get see arrive pass carry study lie wear snow buy cook die sleep wait take bring sit stop eat1、直接加 ing 变为现在分词的动词为:2、去不发音的 e 加 ing 变为现在分词的动词为:3.双写结尾的辅音字母再加 ing 变为现在分词的动词为:4、变 ie 为 y 再加 ing 变为现在分词的动词为:


practice invite clean go smile enjoy run live tie dig have pay open give walk put get see arrive pass carry study lie wear snow buy cook die sleep wait take bring sit stop eat
1、直接加 ing 变为现在分词的动词为:
2、去不发音的 e 加 ing 变为现在分词的动词为:
3.双写结尾的辅音字母再加 ing 变为现在分词的动词为:
4、变 ie 为 y 再加 ing 变为现在分词的动词为:

1 cleaning going enjoying paying opening walking seeing passing carrying studying wearing snowing buying cookingsleeping waiting bringing stopping eating 2 practicing inviting smiling livinghaving giv...