动名词和不定式作宾语的区别alomst everyone fails ---on the first try.A:in passing his driver's test.B:to pass his driver's test我真不知道A错哪了,不是有fail in doing sth(未能做某事)的说法吗?


alomst everyone fails ---on the first try.
A:in passing his driver's test.B:to pass his driver's test
我真不知道A错哪了,不是有fail in doing sth(未能做某事)的说法吗?

fail in doing 是在做某事时失败了,强调这件事已经做过了 结果是失败的。而fail to do则是不能做,还没做某事。二者所强调的事情的发生状态不一样

fail to do 既可以表示没有做某事;也可以表示做了,但失败了.fail in doing 表示做了,但失败了,而且是中途失败.最重要的是:“考试失败”必须说:fail to pass the test或 fail in the test或 didn't pass the test ...