读下面的句子看看是升调还是降调.her hair is long.() does he have wide mouth?()no,he doesn”t () what is your name?( ) is mr.green your english teacher?( ) yes,he is () kate has a round face(),big eyes() ,and a small mouth().she is very nice


读下面的句子看看是升调还是降调.her hair is long.() does he have wide mouth?()
no,he doesn”t () what is your name?( ) is mr.green your english teacher?( ) yes,he is () kate has a round face(),big eyes() ,and a small mouth().she is very nice

降 升 降 升 升 降 降 降 降 降



第一个空读降调,第二个空读升调 ,第三个空读降调,第四个空读升调,第五,六个空读升调,最后一个空读降调

her hair is long。(降) does he have wide mouth? (升) no,he doesn”t (降) what is your name?( 降) is mr.green your english teacher?( 升 ) yes,he is (降) kate has a round face(降),big eyes(降) ,and a small mouth(降).she is very nice(降)

第一个是 降调
第二个是 升调

her hair is long.降调
does he have wide mouth?(升调)
no,he doesn”t ( 降调)
what is your name?( 降调 )
is mr.green your english teacher?( )
yes,he is ( 降调)
kate has a round face(升调),big eyes升调() ,and a small mouth( 降调).
she is very nice 降调

her hair is long。(降调) does he have wide mouth? (升调)no,he doesn”t (降调) what is your name?( 降调) is mr.green your english teacher?(升调 ) yes,he is (降调)

kate has a round (微升) face(降调),big (升/音调较高) eyes(降调) ,and a small mouth(降调). she is very (升/音调较高) nice(降调)