改错:Davy is comping with some friends near a river when Mary shouted,"listen,there's a spaceship up here and it's going to land ."they were very curious.they watched the spaceship to land and saw a door open ,and nobody came out,so they went to look into it,Mary follow Davy into the spaceship and did not hear the door closed behind here.soon the three young people fell asleep,when they woke up,they were surprised at find that they were by the river aga


改错:Davy is comping with some friends near a river when Mary shouted,"listen,there's a spaceship up here and it's going to land ."
they were very curious.they watched the spaceship to land and saw a door open ,and nobody came out,so they went to look into it,Mary follow Davy into the spaceship and did not hear the door closed behind here.soon the three young people fell asleep,when they woke up,they were surprised at find that they were by the river again 共有10个错误,10点以前回答的,注明原因的给分