My first is in "snow"but not in"ice",My second is in both"rose"and "rice",My third is not in"penc用以上的英文猜一个谜语 是什么?这个才是完整的问题My first is in "snow"but not in"ice",My second is in both"rose"and "rice",My third is not in"pencil"but in"paper",MY whole is a place where there is a lot of water.


My first is in "snow"but not in"ice",My second is in both"rose"and "rice",My third is not in"penc
用以上的英文猜一个谜语 是什么?
My first is in "snow"but not in"ice",
My second is in both"rose"and "rice",
My third is not in"pencil"but in"paper",
MY whole is a place where there is a lot of water.

人名尼尔 Neil

sea 海My first is "snow" but not in "ice",第一个字母为 sMy second is in both "rose" and "rice",第二个字母为 eMy third is not in "pencil" but in "paper",第二个字母为 aMy whole is a place where there is...