The computer,___help we human beings have stepped into the information age,is regarded as an接上:important invention in the 20th century.A.which B.whose C.with its D.with whose请问这个句子该怎么分析?我选A怎么不行?with whose help we human beings...这句话是不是有问题?我看得很奇怪,句中的we是不是应该是us才对?要不然句中不是有两个主语了吗——whose和we.还有,whose能和介词搭配吗?


The computer,___help we human beings have stepped into the information age,is regarded as an
接上:important invention in the 20th century.
A.which B.whose C.with its D.with whose
请问这个句子该怎么分析?我选A怎么不行?with whose help we human beings...这句话是不是有问题?我看得很奇怪,句中的we是不是应该是us才对?要不然句中不是有两个主语了吗——whose和we.还有,whose能和介词搭配吗?