英语翻译1.流行 2.在十月 3.在凌晨两点钟 4.给我讲个故事 5.给他打四次电话6.数以千计的 7.第二十五号汽车 8.在大楼的前面 9.昨天晚上 10.明天上午11.我昨天晚上听了收音机,没看电视.12.校长前天买了很多书 13.琼斯太太昨天下午四点钟到家 14.我们昨晚玩得很开心 15.约翰昨天早晨开窗给房间通风16.老师昨天给我们读了一篇故事 17.昨天晚上下雪了吗?18.他上周去了巴黎19.前天我在回家的路上遇到了她 20.“很抱歉,”他说,“我不会说英语.”21.天气是英国人最喜欢谈论的话题 22.在我们的城市附近每年都举行一场汽车比赛23.我们的村庄坐落于两座山之间 24.冰箱里的瓶子里有什么东西?25.那个国家三月里经常刮风,四月和五月的天气总是暖和的.26.你想要大号信封还是小号信封?27.他必须再卧床两天,但是每天可以起来两小时28.蒂姆也在花园里,他在爬树.


1.流行 2.在十月 3.在凌晨两点钟 4.给我讲个故事 5.给他打四次电话
6.数以千计的 7.第二十五号汽车 8.在大楼的前面 9.昨天晚上 10.明天上午
11.我昨天晚上听了收音机,没看电视.12.校长前天买了很多书 13.琼斯太太昨天下午四点钟到家 14.我们昨晚玩得很开心 15.约翰昨天早晨开窗给房间通风
16.老师昨天给我们读了一篇故事 17.昨天晚上下雪了吗?18.他上周去了巴黎
19.前天我在回家的路上遇到了她 20.“很抱歉,”他说,“我不会说英语.”
21.天气是英国人最喜欢谈论的话题 22.在我们的城市附近每年都举行一场汽车比赛
23.我们的村庄坐落于两座山之间 24.冰箱里的瓶子里有什么东西?

1. Trend, Popular, Fashion, Fad
2. In October
3. 2 o'clock in the morning
4. Tell me a story; read me a story
5. Called him 4 times
6.Thousands of...(不会翻要不告诉我意思(追问的时候在调整),:P)
7. The 25th car
8. In front of the building
9. Last night
10. Tomorrow noon
11. I listened to the radio last night, but didn't watch television./ Instead of watching television last night, I listened to the radio.
12. The principal bought a lot of books on the day before yesterday.
13. Mrs. Jones arrived home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday.
14. Last night, we had lots of fun.
15. Yesterday morning, John opened the window to allow air flow(circulation).
16. The teacher read us a story yesterday.
17. Did it snow last night?
18. He went to Paris last week.
19. I met her on my way home on the day before yesterday.
20. "Sorry," he said "I don't speak english."
21. English men and women loves to talk about weather./ Weather is the most talked topic in England.
22. Every year near our city, there is a car (racing) competition.
23. Our village is in between the two mountains.
24. What is in the bottle in the refrigerator?
25. In march, the country is usually windy; however, it is warm in April and May.
26. Do you want to big envelope or the small envelope?/ Which size envelope do you want(need).
27. He needs to stay in bed for two days, but he is allow to get up for two hours each day.
28. Tim is in the garden climbing trees.