


1. Mum is drinking tea in the garden. 2. Dad was sleeping. Please close the door.
3. The room is not tidy at all, so I am sweeping the floor. 4. What must I do ?
Please put the clothes on the bed.

1 my mother is in the garden, she is drinking tea. 2 my father is sleeping, please close the door. 3 this room is very untidy, I was sweeping the floor.. 4 what must I do? Please put your clothes on the bed.

1.My mother is drinking tea in the garden.
2.My father is sleeping. Please close the door.
3.The room is not tidy. I'm doing some cleaning.
4.What must I do?
Please put the clothes on the bed.

  1. Mother is in the garden ,she is drinking tea.

  2. My father is sleeping, please close the door.

  3.  this room is messy , I sweeping the  floor.

  4. What should I do? Please put the clothes on the bed.

Mother is in the garden,she is drinking tea.My father is sleeping, please close the doorThis room is not tidy, I am sweeping the floorWhat must I do?(也可以说What do I have to do ?) Please put the clo...