One bag of LB1(PO10216) is miss-dispatched and one more bag of TB1 is shipped due to the PO information was not updated in time, between my logistics colleague and me. (We just dispatched the goods according to previous order.)
The Goods is waiting for vessel loading so far, please help us to modify the PO for further customs clearance.
Please also let me know do we need to replace the one bag of LB1 into the PO10216.
I am very sorry for any inconvenience and promise it won’t happen again.
Because I do not have timely renewal with the order form information among logistics colleague, order form PO10216 leading to you has stopped having sent out 1 sack of LB1 at present , has sent out (be according to not having had the order form quantity delivery before modification) 1 sack of TB1 muchly. The goods now is already transported to reach a dock waiting for shipment, bother you to be able to help us to revise an order form to apply to the customs, 1 sack of if LB1 need a change to ask you to reply to within order form PO10218. Bothering being brought about by your department is once again awfully sorry.
Dear **:
We are regret that due to I did not update the order information timely with my colleague in the Logistic Department,which result that for the order of PO10216,we loaded LB1 for less 1 bag,but TB1 one bag more,that is we delivered the goods as amount of the unrevised order.
Now all the goods have arrived at the port for boarding,please revise the order accordingly so as a help for custom clearance.PLS note us that should we put the 1 bag of LB1 in PO10128?
We are sorry for those inconvenience may bring to you.