Like Allen Iverson said ,"Yao is a present god give us",I believe ,he will get more scores in the fin the future后面的补充下,不好意思.另外我要求的是把句子的结构说下,象主谓宾,定壮补


Like Allen Iverson said ,"Yao is a present god give us",I believe ,he will get more scores in the f
in the future后面的补充下,不好意思.另外我要求的是把句子的结构说下,象主谓宾,定壮补

像艾弗森说, "姚明是目前上帝给我们" ,我相信,他将会获得更多的分数在...

就像艾弗森说, “姚明是上帝给我们的礼物” ,我相信,他还会继续得更多的分数(在季后赛)

就像艾弗森说,"姚明是上帝赐给我们的礼物" ,我相信,将来他将会有更多得分.{ Like Allen Iverson said ,"Yao is a present god give us",} I believe ,he will get more scores in the future.这是一个复合句吧.括号...
