( )When you come here,you may have some problems _ many things.A.with B.about C.on D.in( )Nicole always _ happy childhood when she feels sad.A.thinks over B.thinks to C.thinks with D.think of( )_ he is,_he feels.A.the busier,the happy B.the busy,the happy C.the busier,the happier D.the busier,the happiest


( )When you come here,you may have some problems _ many things.
A.with B.about C.on D.in
( )Nicole always _ happy childhood when she feels sad.
A.thinks over B.thinks to C.thinks with D.think of
( )_ he is,_he feels.
A.the busier,the happy B.the busy,the happy C.the busier,the happier
D.the busier,the happiest

第二句是否应该为thinks of

(1)A(have problems/difficulties in doing sth.
have problems/difficulties with sth.)
(2) D (think of 想起; think over 仔细考虑,反复考虑 ;另两个,一般都在句型中用。)
(3)C (the +比较级,the +比较级 “越......越......”)

a d 应是thinks of c