几句英语翻译 急!好心人帮忙!吃太多的甜食容易使人发胖.(likely)饭后散一会儿步有益健康.(do good to ) 大量砍伐树木已经对生态平衡带来了严重影响.(upset) 照看婴儿是一项很累的活.(task) 听愉快的音乐有助于恢复疲劳.(help) 大量服用这种药会产生副作用.(effect) 我们已经定好了规矩,开会迟到的要罚款.(...it...)我很讨厌人们满嘴含着食物大声说话(hate)拜托用括号里的单词来翻译!


几句英语翻译 急!好心人帮忙!
饭后散一会儿步有益健康.(do good to )

Eat too many sweetmeat easy make person the hair be fat.(Likely)
After meal's spreading in a short while a step is in a short whilehealthful.(do good to )
A great deal of chop down tree already to ecosystem balance bring severity influence.(upset)
Shining on to see an infant is 1 to very tiredly live.(task)
Listen to delectation of music contribute to instauration tired.(help)
A great deal of take this kind of medicine would creation side effect.(effect)
We already settle good rules, conference lateness of want penal sum.(...it...)
I dislike people's mouthful to contain food very much to loudly talk(hate)

Eating too many sweetmeats to make the person deliver easily fat.(Likely)
The after meal spreads to tread in a short while healthful.(do good to )
In great quantities chop down tree have already brought serious influence to the ecosystem balance.(upset)
Shining on to see an infant is very tiredly 1 to live.(task)
Listen to pleased music contributes to instauration fatigue.(help)
Taking this kind of medicine in great quantities will produce side effect.(effect)
We have already settled to like rules, the conference is late of want penal sum.(...it...)
I dislike people's mouthful to contain food very much to talk loudly(hate)

Eating too much sweets apt to make people obesity.(Likely)
While scattered step wholesome meal.(Do good to)
The massive felling of trees has posed a serious impact on the ecological balance.(Upset)
Baby-sitting is a very tiring live.(Task)
Listening to music will help restore pleasant fatigue.(Help)
Taking such a large number of drugs have side effects.(Effect)
We have a good set rules that must be met late penalty .(...it ...)
I hated people mouthful of food speak loudly in their eyes (hate)