外贸翻译 中文翻译成英文请帮我把下面翻译成英文, 自动翻译的就不要发来了.你好,由于我们仓库操作失误,把无袖的衣服发货给了你,如果你收到货,满意并且给5星的评价,我们将补偿你2美元.如果你不满意可以将货退还给我们.非常抱歉.


外贸翻译 中文翻译成英文
请帮我把下面翻译成英文, 自动翻译的就不要发来了.

Hello Sir/Madam:
Due to our operational errors in warehouse, we delivered the wrong goods to you. If you give us five-star ratings after receiving and satisfied with our goods, we promise to compensate you 2$.If you are not satified with the goods, you can return the goods to get your refund. We really apologize for this error and inconvenience we brought to you.

Dear Sir /Mrs,
By mistake we sent you the cloth with no sleeve. If you get the stuff and ok with it, and if possible that you give us a 5-start assessment, we will compensate by returning 2 USD to you.
If you do not accept the cloth, please would you return the goods to us?
We appologies for any inconvenience this might bring about to you.
Best Regards,

Hello. We apologize for sending you the clothes with no sleeves due to the operational mistakes caused by the warehouse. If you have got the goods and give us 5-star evaluation with satisfaction, we would compensate you for $2. If you do not satisfied, you can get the clothes comeback to us. Much apologizes again. 我自己写的检查了好几遍,望采纳

Hi!Because of our operation mistake,we've delivered you a clothe with no sleeve.If you received this mail and satisfied ,marked as five stars,we would compensate you 2 dollars.
You can deny it if you don't satisfy.
We're very sorry about that.

Hi, because of our warehouse operatingerrors, sleeveless dress is shipped to you, if you received the goods,satisfaction and give 5 star reviews, we will reimburse you $ 2. If you are notsatisfied with the goods can be returned to us. So sorry about it.

Hello, thanks to our warehouse operation error, the sleeveless clothes to deliver goods to you, if you receive the goods, satisfaction and give 5 star evaluation, we will compensate you $2.
If you are not satisfied with the goods can be returned to us.
I'm terribly sorry.

Hello,owing to the operation fault of our warehouse,we sent the sleeveless clothes to you.If you receive the goods,feel satisfied and give us a five-star assessment,we will compensate you 2 dollars.
If you are not satisfied,please return the goods to us.
Sorry for any inconveniences caused to you.

Dear xxx,
I am really sorry that some sleeveless clothes were delivered to you due to the mistake of our warehouse.If you can do with this and give us a five-star assessment,we will refund you 2 dollars.Otherwise,you might as well return the clothes to us.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Many thanks for your understanding.
Yours Sincerely,

Hello, because of the operation mistake of our warehouse, we sent the sleeveless cloth to you.
If you are satisfied with the cloth and give us 5 star praise to us after you receive the cloth.
We can pay you two dollars for compensation.
If you are not satisfied with the cloth, you can send it back to us.
Truely sorry for you inconvenient.
PS: 希望满意