英语翻译上面是协商的步骤,对这位想通过协商程序解决劳动争议的来自不列颠的员工,他可以按照这个协商的步骤,先准备资料,向企业发出谈判要约书,要约书中写明建议谈判的时间、地点、程序、内容和对方回答期限等.与企业正式建立谈判关系分析后,再去搞好调查研究、收集、整理与谈判内容有关的数据资料.当进行集体协商谈判时,对谈判的问题充分发表意见,申明主张.This is the negotiation procedure above; the employee who comes from Great British can follow the negotiation procedure so as to settle the conflicts .First,he can prepare the information,and send the offer to corporation,the offer contains timing,place,process,content and the respon


This is the negotiation procedure above; the employee who comes from Great British can follow the negotiation procedure so as to settle the conflicts .First,he can prepare the information,and send the offer to corporation,the offer contains timing,place,process,content and the responsible time.After established the negotiation relationship with corporation,he should invest and collect the data related to negotiation.When negotiation formally,he should express his opinion clearly.

The negotiation procedure is above, the employee who comes from the Great Britain can follow the negotiation procedure to settle the conflicts. First, he need to prepare his material and then sends the offer which contains the complete information of time,place,procedure,content and due time etc. After establishing the relationship of negotiations, research, the collection of data which concerning the negotiation need to be done. Declare your claim and express your opinion during the negotiation.