英语翻译The story is about a young student .She worked very hard at her lessons.She worked so hard that she became ill.She couldn’t go to sleep at night.But when she got up the next morning,she felt very tired .So she went to see a doctor.Hearing the student’s,the doctor said,“You are too stressed out.You must eat more yin foods like vegetables and tofu.Besides(此外),you can try to count(数)numbers when you are lying in bed .By the time you reach one thousan


The story is about a young student .She worked very hard at her lessons.She worked so hard that she became ill.She couldn’t go to sleep at night.But when she got up the next morning,she felt very tired .
So she went to see a doctor.Hearing the student’s,the doctor said,“You are too stressed out.You must eat more yin foods like vegetables and tofu.Besides(此外),you can try to count(数)numbers when you are lying in bed .By the time you reach one thousand,you will be asleep(入睡).I’m sure of it.”
The next day,the student came to see the doctor again.“Well,” said the doctor,“How are you feeling today?”
The student still liked tired.“Yes,” she said.“ I tried to count one ,two,three,four...up to one thousand.But when I reached five hundred and sixty,I feel sleepy.I had to get up and drink some coffee so that(以便)I could go on counting up to one thousand .But then I still couldn’t be asleep

大概就讲,一个学生学习很努力,但她很累,就去看医生,医生告诉她需要休息,吃一点阴类食物,并告诉她类似数棉羊的方法帮助睡眠,但第二天,医生问她,她却说她数数,数到560时,她很类,所以喝了一杯咖啡,继续数,却怎么也睡不着了! 估计是《一个笑话吧》

这个故事是关于一个年轻学生。 她学习刻苦,以至于病倒了。晚间,她无法入睡。第二天清晨,她无精打采。
无奈下,她去看了医生。医生在听完学生的描述后说道:‘你受到的压力太大了。 你要多吃蔬菜,豆腐。除此之外,你可以躺在床上试着数数。 在你数到一千以前,我保证你可以入睡。’
第二天, 这个学生又来看医生了。‘哦’ 医生说‘你今天感觉怎么样?’
这个学生尽显疲态,她说‘我尝试着从一数起,直到一千。但是当我数到五百六十时,我已经困了。 我不得不起床去喝咖啡以便我可以继续数到一千。但是当我数到一千时,我依然清醒着。


