


They travel at present arrangement is from March 17th to March 23rd, the hotel reservation form is also very good. If there are changes in travel, I tell you. Thank you.
But in order to like the invitation of time, I also need a March 15 to March 25th hotel reservation, very trouble you. The hotel only to miss wang to apply for a visa.

The dates for their trip arrangement is now March. 17th to March. 23rd. The reservation for this hotel has been settled(不清楚这里“非常好”有没有更具体的意思,因为英语是一个十分精确的语言,这里暂时翻译为“这个酒店的预订单已经确定下来了,如有其他意思请告诉我),I will contact you, if the schedule has any alternations. Thank you!
But for it to match the time on the invitation, I still need a hotel reservation confirmation from March. 17th to March. 23rd. Sorry for the troubles. The reservation is only for Ms. Wang's visa

The dates for their trip arrangement is now March.17th to March.23rd.The reservation for this hotel has been settled(不清楚这里“非常好”有没有更具体的意思,因为英语是一个十分精确的语言,这里暂时翻译为“这个酒店的预订单已经确定下来了,如有其他意思请告诉我),I will contact you,if the schedule has any alternations.Thank you!
But for it to match the time on the invitation,I still need a hotel reservation confirmation from March.17th to March.23rd.Sorry for the troubles.The reservation is only for Ms.Wang's visa.