As is known to all, the People’s *
As is known to all, the People’s * is the biggest developing country in the world.
As is known to all, the People’s * is the biggest developing country in the world.【高考试题】As is known to all, ______ People’s * is ______ biggest developing country in the world. (2011陕西卷)A. the; 不填 B. 不填; the C. the; the D. 不填; 不填【答案解析】(代码JDG)答案为C。两空均填定冠词,其中the People’s *(*)为固定搭配,其前习惯上要用定冠词。又如:In 1949 the People’s * was bom. Our dream had come true. 1949年,*诞生了。我们的梦想实现了。第二空用定冠词是因为其后有形容词*。又如:Which of the three girls is the oldest? 这3个女孩中哪个年纪最大?I think my dog’s the fastest (one). 我想我的狗是跑得最快的(一只)。First class is the most expensive way to travel. 坐头等舱是最贵的旅行方式。Paris is among the largest cities in the world. 巴黎是世界上最大的城市之一。In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door. 如果失火,就赶快朝最近的门跑。This is quite far the most expensive bicycle in the shop. 这是这家商店里最最贵的自行车。He’s the best teacher even though he has the least experience. 他尽管经验最少,但教得最好。This is likely to be the biggest conference so far. 这很可能是迄今为止规模最大的一次会议了。I had the most expensive dish on the menu—a choice fillet of fish. 我点了菜单上最贵的一道菜,那就是一份精选的鱼片。 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~
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