英语翻译“ 本文通过在信息技术的发展及经济全球化进程加快的今天,对中国经济形势的分析,简明的介绍了中国产业集聚区建立及对经济发展的影响.产业集聚区建立是社会发展的必然产物,是顺应时代发展的.本文以河南省新乡市产业集聚区为例,通过对集聚区企业现状及存在的问题的分析,进而了解产业集聚区的发展趋势及前景.河南省新乡市是中国重要的商品粮基地之一,并且是一座新兴的工业化城市.建国之后的几十年里,新乡市的经济得到了快速的发展,综合实力也有显著的提高.新乡市的集聚企业发展也十分显著,这也促进了产业集聚区的发展,新乡市集聚企业的发展历程,在我国是极具代表性的,反映了我国绝大部分地区产业集聚的特点及趋势.”


“ 本文通过在信息技术的发展及经济全球化进程加快的今天,对中国经济形势的分析,简明的介绍了中国产业集聚区建立及对经济发展的影响.产业集聚区建立是社会发展的必然产物,是顺应时代发展的.

This passage has briefed the contruction of Industrial Cluster in China through analysis of China’s condition at present when the IT has been developing and the economic globalization has been accelerating. It is conclueded that the establishment of industrial cluster is an inevitable outcome of social development and it is complied with the era.
In the article, we take as example the industrial cluster of Xinxiang city in Henan Province. Through the eleboration of the prestent condition and prblems existed there , we predict developing trend and prospective future of its industrial cluster . The Xinxiang City in Henan Province is one of the vital base of trading cereals. Besides, it is also a newly-built industrialized city. In several decades after the establisment of RPC, Xinxiang city has witnessed its rapid
economic development and its evident improvement of compehensive strength. The building of entrepreters’ cluster has made remarkable acheivement so that it has also been promoting the evolution of industial cluster . The process of development of the industrial cluster in Xinxiang city is typical which reflects both the feature and the prospect of the cluster development in the majority area in China.