I must confess that I was under the impression that W.P.A.insurance was quite sufficient and that losses due to breakage
I must confess that I was under the impression that W.P.A.insurance was quite sufficient and that losses due to breakage were covered.
but I did think that the W.P.A.in surance covered more risks than the F.P.A.
were covered 跟 covered
是不是 当他叙述这件事情的时候 这件事情里面的被动语态或者动词都要变为过去式
were covered 作谓语表示被动 意为 被覆盖 而 covered是were covered的形容词 可做非谓语动词
不一定都要用过去式 你得具体情况具体分析 比如句子中的直接引语 和 一些自然常识都应用一般现在式 学英语不应死板