The greatest common divisor of a and b is 21,and the least common multiple of a and b is 126,where


The greatest common divisor of a and b is 21,and the least common multiple of a and b is 126,where
a and b are positive integers,what is the sum of a and

a b的最大公约数是21, a b 的最小公倍数是126, a b 都是自然数,求 a +b 的和?
你一定会问 为什么要这样写,因为题目告诉我们21和126,我们就要建立这二者的关系
那么 a b就是42和63啦..您的回答非常精彩!可是好像少考虑了一种情况!因为答案是105或150.你答案错了吧。。另一种情况是ab分别为21和126相加应该是147 而不是150