the depth of loss comes later,when the sun rises and you realise that this new day 求出处


the depth of loss comes later,when the sun rises and you realise that this new day 求出处
the depth of loss comes later,when the sun rises and you realise that this new day and all the days of your life to come will be without her

巨大的损失还在后面,当太阳升起来的时候你会意识到这新的一天和你生命以后的每一天都会没有她相陪而独自过活.出处?不好意思,我不知道,你要知道出处做什么这个句子是在 何以笙箫默 里看到的 查了翻译觉得在哪里读过 所以。。。哦,这样