why can't I ask question in Chinese in the Baidu website?


why can't I ask question in Chinese in the Baidu website?

Don't pretend to be foreigners.The baidu website always shows:" the question is handing up, please wait for a moment", but when the question is written in English, it will be accepted at once, why?您的问题正在自动提交中,请您耐心等待几分钟因为汉语的话有屏蔽字啊,英语就没有,显然是这样的,汉语如果有fandong言论就会挂掉,英语就不会,你可以用拼音试试我的问题是: 一个正方形,8个顶点用红,绿涂色,4红,4绿,并要求每个面情况一样,问有多少种涂法?请帮我提交一下,谢谢!我刚才又重新试了一下,接受了,奇怪啊.我整整提交了2天,写了10几遍.莫名其妙又可以提交了.莫名其妙啊.谢谢你.