police (look)for a man and a women thier ( )early twenties who broke into a bank in the early


police (look)for a man and a women thier ( )early twenties who broke into a bank in the early
hours this morning.请问前面应该填look的什么形式,后面括号填什么.

look的进行时态are looking,后面填in
police (are looking )for a man and a women (in )their early twenties who broke into a bank in the early hours this morning高手!为什么前面填are looking?因为它说的是今天早上发生的,现在应该还在寻找中,所以就用现在进行时整句话的翻译就是:警察正在寻找在今天凌晨的时候闯进了银行的,在二十来岁的一男一女。那为什么不用过去进行时?因为这件事现在还在进行中,所以不用过去进行时谢谢你无私的帮助!