it is so wet that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 netres.


it is so wet that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 netres.

some measuring over 90 netres这是一个独立主格结构,作补充说明的状语.
=with some measuring over 90 metres
measure “测量得.”;“是.”后面接具体的数量.不用被动形式
又如The rope measures 10 metres =The rope is 10 metres long
=The rope is 10 metres in length
The tree measures 10 metres= The tree is 10 metres in height这么说measure 不用被动?而是有...长(或阔、高等)的意思?请认真读读我给的例句,measure只有当做测量。。。时,才可以用被动如He measures the rope with a ruler= Therope ismeasured with a ruler by himThe rope measures 10 metres 这句中的measure是作为。。有...长的意思吧?The rope measures 10 metres这句中的measure是“测量得。。。”;“是。。。”就是: 这绳子。是10米。。测量得10米。。。而不是、、这绳子被测量得10米。? 可是我们不是一般都说什么东西被测量得多少米吗?外国人的说法在这方面和我们有差异?。我们习惯说:这绳子长是10米。也习惯说什么东西被测量得多少但是英语中measure有多种意思。测量得。。(后面接数量); 去测量什么, 是不一样的请采纳!