pig,what nonsense are you?〔英文翻中文〕
pig,what nonsense are you?〔英文翻中文〕
- 谁有精彩英语电影对白中文和英文双译,要30条,好的话+100分!不要《日出之前》 《Phenomenon》 《美梦成真》 《安娜•克里斯蒂》《鸭子汤》《地狱的天使》 《我不是天使》《卡萨布兰卡》《绿野仙踪》《罗马假日》 《空军一号》 《英国病人》 《阿甘正传》《007系列》《泰坦尼克号》 Jack:"You must do me this honor...promise me you will survive...that you will never give up...no matter what happens...no matter how hopeless...promise me now,and never let go of that promise.《乱世佳人》 Tomorrow is another day.我有了,好的+100分绝不食言!
- Do you know what a triangle is?中文意思和英文回答
- 佛曰: "The mind is everything, What you think you become." (英文翻译中文)
- 翻译一句话,英文翻译中文,线上等Traditional arts civilized a nation. Do you think government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors or drama companies? What should a government do?
- 英文复述谁能帮我复述一个下面这个短文,顺便中文也要!Jane:Hello,Michael!What would you like to cook for the food festival?Michael:I'm thinking about that.I have a sweet tooth and I think a lot of studengts would buy western food such as American chocolate cookies or Greek cheese pie.Jane:Wow!That's a good idea.I like Indian food,so I plan to cook Indian curries and Italian pizza.KangKang:Wonderful!I think Chinese fried rice and Japanese sushi are easy to cook.What's more,I'm su
- 中文翻英文 英文高手请进 part 3求高手帮我把中文的部分 翻英文 语法要通顺to a sad daughter 这首诗 运用了许多的写作技巧 (codes and conventions) v例如 :拟人法the hocket pictures gaze down at you ,从这句句子就看得出来,作者把hockey比喻成父亲you 指的就是他的女儿 .还有运用到的写作技巧是 metaphor :One day I'll come swimming 25beside your ship or someone will ,and if you hear the siren ,listen to it.一个很完美的metaphor句子最後是simile 的句子 ,sun spilled over you ,like a thick yellow miracle:形容得很贴切这首诗还满常用到这些写作技巧 ,作者完美的运用这些技巧 写出了一首很惊艳的诗
- 求用英语回答四道面试题,本人英文盲,最好带中文解释.谢谢了! 急!求用英语回答四道面试题,本人英文盲,最好带中文解释.谢谢了!1:What' s your career goal in the next 5 years?2:what is your greatest weakness to this position?3:which course do you like best and least in university? Why?4:how do you handle your failure?求大家随便帮我答下吧,用英文
- 英文信翻中,大概含义HelloMy name is Eric. I am from the United States of America. I live in the city of Sheboygan which is located in the state of Wisconsoin. I am writing because I am hoping to make friends with people in Japan. I have become interested in Japanese culture and would like someone to talk to, so that I can learn more. I would love to visit Japan someday.Please tell me more about yourself. What do you do for fun? Are you in school? Do you have an
- 请求译者将下面两段英文翻译成中文,高分答谢~~!1.In particular,a greet option for families is Pissourri Beach,This fabulous stretch of coast enjoys a magnificent setting framed in between two hills,and it is also a certified Blue Flag Beach(like so many in Cyprus,an island which takes its cleanliness very seriously),so you can rest safe in the konwledge that the kids are not going to come acioss any nasty pollutants in the sea or on the shore.What is more ,Pissourri Beach c
- 帮忙解一道英文的微观经济题~不是翻译~回答随便用英文或是中文,You are asked to advise a monopolist who is producing 5,000 units with total revenues of $25,000.The marginal cost equals ATC,total fixed costs are $10,000,average variable cost is $4 and marginal revenue is $2.50.Is the firm making a profit or loss?What if anything should it this monopolist do with output and price to maximize profits?
- 、(2009番禺一模)一个几何体的三视图如右图所示,其中正视图中△ABC是边长为2的正三角形,俯视图为正六边形.那么该几何体的侧视图的面积为 答案是2/3
- 甲乙两袋大米的重量之比是七比六,如果从甲袋中取出40千克放入乙袋,那么甲乙两袋玉米的重量之比是五比八,求加一两袋原来各装大米多少千克?