

John was going to move into a new flat today.There was a very nice clock in his f___house.John thought,"I,m not going to l___ the workers carry my beautiful old clock in their truck.Perhaps they,ll break it,and then fixing it will be very e___." So he picked it up and began to carry it down the road in his arms.It was heavy,so he stopped two or there t___ to have a rest.At this moment,a small boy came along the road.He stopped and looked at John for a few seconds.T___ he said to John,"You,re a stuid man,aren,t you?Why don,t you buy a w___ like everybody else."

1 fine 2 let3 expensive4 times (前面的单词不应该是there,three)5 watch标准答案不过你的这篇文章有问题,时态有问题,就拿第一句来说John was going to move into a new flat today中的be going to 译为 将要... ...