She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.


She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.
这句话中 how wonderful her children are应该是感叹句,同时也是宾语从句,既然是宾语从句,那么怎么还会用介词引导呢?

谓语是个短语动词 boast about:夸耀,吹嘘boast about 后可接名词,代词,也可以接宾语从句1.Paul likes to boast about his achievements.(保罗喜欢吹嘘他的成就.) 2.I will boast about a man like that,but I wil...但是我在牛津词典里同时也看到这么一句:Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker。 【she could beat anyone at poker】不就是宾语从句么?这里难道that也可用about来代替?没错,这牵涉到另一个语言点, 那就是【介词后一般不接that-从句】(but, except, in 除外)当介词和that从句狭路相逢时, 一般去掉介词, 于是便有了你看到的句子了。再如:He insisted on going there alone.=He insisted that he should go there alone. I am sure of his success.=I am sure that he will be successful.明白?可是我还是不明白,既然这样,那么She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.中为什么保留介词而不是去掉that?在boast前面的宾语从句,究竟什么时候是用介词,什么时候是用that?O(∩_∩)O谢谢回答由 what, how, why, whether 等引导的从句哪来的连词that?! 总不可能是两个引导词吧?