诸康妮中学生演讲比赛时,老师提问的部分,第二位老师提问说,My question has to do with faith and passion.In your speech you say that a billion times in
诸康妮中学生演讲比赛时,老师提问的部分,第二位老师提问说,My question has to do with faith and passion.In your speech you say that a billion times in your life you had the faith and the passion for a specific career in that time.What makes no different you feel that’s the way you want to go professionally is to be a great lawyer but young people nowadays tend to have a thought one dayto be this and the next day to be that.So what makes no different from the way you were before?
他应该问你的这个选择与之前有什么不同,为什么是no different 双重否定就翻译成相同了嘛,是不是提问的老师说错了
what makes SO different from the way you were before我觉得是so diffferent 可是他原话说的是no different 两句话都是No different,应该是他提问时说错了吧啊我大概抓到什么意思了,正片的文章是说,现在的年轻人对自己的意志很不坚定,今天说要当律师,明天就说要当什么什么的。 所以what makes no different from the you were before, 的意思就是是什么让你从以前到现在都没变过。