1.they decide they would start at once 2.we saw that some people were planting trees改为单句


1.they decide they would start at once 2.we saw that some people were planting trees改为单句
1.it will take us at least two days to clean the whole school
we will ()at least two days ()the whole school
2.because od the heavy traffic ,they did not get to school on time
they did not ()at school on time bacause the traffic ()()
3.mother was too poor to afford Martin `s education
mother was ()poor that she ()()for Martin`s education
4Kate`sVCD player is broken.she`ll ask someone to repair it.
Kate`sVCD player is broken.she`ll()()()
5.take the escalator to the second floor
()to the second floor()escalator
6the earth is biggei than the moon
the moon is ()()()()the earth
7he has read the story.mary has read it,too.
he has read the story.()()()
8.jimmy and his father are both helpful
jimmy()()his father

arrive,was heavy
so,couldn't pay
have it repaired
not as small as (不是很确定)
So has Mary
同义句好像不完整,想不到答案第8个就是这个啊,不会吗,TTis like?吉米像他爸爸一样?好像有点牵强。