选择正确的答案,把字母编号写在括号里.( )1.Mike should ___ his honework on tine every day.A.hand in B.hands in C.handing in( )2.Don't ___ about Tom's study.A.worries B.worried C.worry( )3.Mr Li is never late ___ work.A.for B.to C.go to( )4.My brother always goes to bed ___ than me.A.late B.early C.later


( )1.Mike should ___ his honework on tine every day.
A.hand in B.hands in C.handing in
( )2.Don't ___ about Tom's study.
A.worries B.worried C.worry
( )3.Mr Li is never late ___ work.
A.for B.to C.go to
( )4.My brother always goes to bed ___ than me.
A.late B.early C.later

1. A
2. C.
3. A
4. C.


( A)1.Mike should ___ his honework on tine every day.
A.hand in B.hands in C.handing in
( C)2.Don't ___ about Tom's study.
A.worries B.worried C.worry
(A )3.Mr Li is never late ___ work.
A.for B.to C.go to
( C)4.My brother always goes to bed ___ than me.
A.late B.early C.later

( A)1.Mike should ___ his honework on tine every day.A.hand in B.hands in C.handing in【should 后跟动词原形】(C )2.Don't ___ about Tom's study.A.worries B.worried C.worry【祈使句否定形式:don't + 动词...

1 A
should 后面接动词原形
2 C
助动词 do的否定形式 don't 后面接动词原形
3 A
late for 迟到,固定搭配
4 C