Flying demands a much greater supply of energy ----other forms of transportation.这中间填什么词啊?


Flying demands a much greater supply of energy ----other forms of transportation.这中间填什么词啊?
1.Flying demands a much greater supply of energy ----other forms of transportation.这题为什么要选C啊?
A:than most does B:most than does
C:than most D:do than most
2.In general,matters which lie entirely within state boeders are the ___concern of state governments.这题为什么要选D?
A:extinct B:excluding C:excessive D:exclusive
3.She is as plain as her mother is beautiful.是什么巨型啊?
4.Under no circumstances____his motherland.这题为什么选B啊
A:he will beteay B:will he betray
c:he will not betray D:will he not betray

1.是flying与其他形式的交通工具比较,如选A,does应换为do且应放在句尾,B就不用说了吧,most怎么可能用在比较级里呢?D也不通2.一般来说,完全处于国界线以内的事务是国家*的专管的(也就是说其他国家不能干涉内政) 只...