1.He dislikes music so he ( )listens to music .A.always B.sometimes C.often D.seldom


1.He dislikes music so he ( )listens to music .A.always B.sometimes C.often D.seldom
2.I ( )to Shanghai to visit my uncle next week.A.am flying B.flew C.fiy D.shall fly 3.Please ( )me if you have something to tell me .A.ring B.rang C.to ring D.rung 4.They didn't go to bed ( )the linghts were out .A.until B .after C.till D .when 5.Lucy was doing her homework ( )I arrived home .A.while B.as C.when D.as soon so

D seldom.他不喜欢音乐,所以很少听音乐

A am flying.我下个礼拜将要飞到上海去见我叔叔

A ring.如果你想告诉我什么事情的话请给我打电话

A until. 他们直到熄灯了才睡觉

C when.当我到家的时候lucy正在写作业