1.That is a big peach.(改为否定句 句意不变) 2.Alice is a good girl.(改一般问句 并否定回答


1.That is a big peach.(改为否定句 句意不变) 2.Alice is a good girl.(改一般问句 并否定回答
3 My teacher has apen.(改否定句 4 They leaves are green(对划线部分提问)这是划线的green 5 Are your ear small?(改肯定句) 7 Close the gate,please (改否定句)

1 That is not a small peach
2 Is Alice a good girl No ,she isn't
3 My teacher doesn't have a pen
4 What is the colour of their leaves?
5 Your ears are small
7 Don't close the gate,please