trust target task quick quality quantity year yesterday yes
Trust me,I am going to do my best in the new term year.Say quick goodbye to yesterday.I‘ll target the college entrance examination,strongly finish the quality learning tasks every day.At this time next year ,everyone will say " YES" to ME with their THUMBS.
I don't know whether these words are satisfied with you.Sorry ,although this paragraph is good ,it;s not what I want...我想要的是TQY开头的英语单词各一个,然后三个单词的意义可以组合。I hope you can give me a hand,thanks.oh.it's easier for you to do that. Three words you want are all in the short passage. Are you clear???finish quality task,Is it?If not,I can;t find another.Excuse me for my stupid,please show clearly.TQY开头的英语单词各一个,然后三个单词的意义可以组合三个单词的意义可以组合???I DON'T know???trust, quality, yesAre these WORDSOK?还没达到我想要的,我想要的意思是三个单词可以连在一起,就如Fly My Dream这样可以连在一起,不过你这个passage我挺满意的,谢了。。。