

假如你是某校高中学生 ,你校有在校生4000余人 ,其中有3000多住校学生 .近来你发现学生食堂浪费现象比

Mankind is wasting things every’where and everyday. Wherever we go, we can see that paper, bottles and cans are thrown away; food is wasted just because of poor taste; clothes are discarded simply du...这和题都不对口的啊We can see that a lot of students eat half the food thrown on the table, and some are even eaten only a little. Attendant and then they pack up, and thrown into the bucket, the last of these to pack up the leftover food along with some other things that mess was thrown awaywe should never waste anythinglast month,i came to my grandmother's home,she give me a bag of fruits.for forgeting the fruits,today my mum just open the door of the frige,a bad smell came out,and i already remember the fruit have been in the frige for more then a month~~~my mother told me to be careful in the future,yes ,we have no rights to waste anything,there are so many area in china,and in a large part of the world,people are eager to eat a fulfilled meal,but tat's just a illusion.now i know all the things are important to me,so i understand we can never waste anything!绝对自己写的~~~累死我了,除了个别大小写没改变之外,没啥问题了恩恩,谢谢啊,用些语文作文的话来说是文不对题完全可以啦~~怎么不对提拉呵呵,可能是你没看清题吧,不过还是谢谢,已经写好了那也可以采纳哦忙了一阵啊恩恩,不过还是谢谢你