把下列句子合并含有定语从句的复合句the town is far from here.He lives in the town.为什么不能是The town is far from here that he lives in.


把下列句子合并含有定语从句的复合句the town is far from here.He lives in the town.为什么不能是The town is far from here that he lives in.

The town which he lives in is far from here.

�Dz�����that which��������ǰ���Ǹ����ʱ��������д��м䲻�ܼ�����ĵ��ʣ�һ����˵�������Զ���Ӿ䣬�Ӿ�������дʣ������Ǿ�ԡ�����Alice received an invitation from her boss, which came as a sruprise . (���д��ǣ�invitation��