be torn between是什么意思及反义词


be torn between是什么意思及反义词

听着信件的撕碎声,帕米拉胸中涌起了一阵喜悦.It was she who had attacked Mason and torn Jane's wedding veil.\x0d正是她袭击了梅森先生,撕毁了简的婚纱.She is torn between her fondness for a close friend and her duty to protect her company' s interests.\x0d她因夹在好朋友的友情和保护公司利益的义务之间而痛苦.His torn clothes give colour to his story that he had been attacked and robbed.他被撕破的衣服使他所说被袭击和抢劫的事显得可信.