correct the errors in the following sentences谢谢了,


correct the errors in the following sentences谢谢了,
please give me a call when you will need me the patient came to hospital for two days i got the news that they have planted a lot of trees on the slope we'll have a boating race in the lake if the weather will be fine in the afternoon my supervisor promised that he will come to help me immediately mr.deng told me that he will not attend the party at the weekend by the end of the term,we will all leave the university the timetable shows that all classes began at eight i have waited for you for a long time before i left in disappointment there are even greater changes in the coming ten years let's leave the place the moment i'll get the plane tickets the watches they have produced a year ago were poor in quality the actors were still performing on the stage although it rained hard "DId you mind if i smoke here?"he asked us politely if i will be rich,i will travel all over the wrold

1.Please give me a call when you need me.2.The patient came to hospital two days ago .3.I got the news that they had planted a lot of tree on the slope.4.We'll have a boating race on the lake if the w...