

we are merely affirming that back of the face of history is powerful drifts that move language ,like other social products,to balanced patterns.

We are merely affirming that back off the face of history is powerful drifts that move language ,like other social products,in balanced patterns.�𰸲��Ǹĵ��ǡ���������ô�ĵģ�of history is powerful�е�is ��are������ðɡ�����û���� drifts �Ǹ����Ϊʲô��are �����һ��Dz���������Ϊ�� powerful driftsѽ��drifts��drift�ĸ�����ʽ��powerfulֻ��һ�����ݴ���������drifts�ģ�����Ҫ��� drifts���ж�Ҫ�� are ���� is ��is�������ѵ�����back off the face of history�����drifts���DZ�����powerful drifts ���������� back off the face of history�ġ�History�����Dz������Ӧ����is���������powerful drifts�����ξ���ζ�� back off the face of history�����һ��û�м�s�ĸ�����ʽ�������������⻹������ʦ�ȽϺõ㣬����ֻ���ҵ��뷨��