LinLin often pratices English __chatting with her American friend.


LinLin often pratices English __chatting with her American friend.

by 通过什么手段,chatting 动作和pratices是同时发生的,聊就在练习,是最佳
for 是目的,与chatting时间点不匹配,既然是目的,就是先练习好,然后就可以和朋友聊,
如果是目的,很可能是用 to chat with
in 在.内,句子意思都不通啦for to chat with????!!!!不太顺呢不是for to chat with而是to chat with,LinLin often pratices English _to chat with_ her American friend. 林林经常练习英语,为了(以后)和美国朋友交谈 LinLin often pratices English _by_chatting with her American friend.林林经常通过和美国朋友交谈来练习英语。 (注意:chatting 动作和pratices是同时发生的)