

1._____is easy for us to do homework in twenty minutes.
A That B What C It D This
2.I have never been to Thailand ,but I love __________food a lot
A Thai B Thai land C Thai 's D Thai land's
3.Forests and land are important _____animals and people ______many ways
A to ,in B for ,in C to,by D for ,by
4.---How long will this superstar stay in Shanghai?
--She'll stay here _______the end of August
A at B until C after D by
There may be enough food.(改为否定句)
There _______ _________ be enough food.
There was a lot of traffic in our city in the past(改为否定句)
There_____ _______traffic in our city in the past

正确答案为:C D B B
may not
was no
期望你的采纳最后一道题应该是wasn'tmuch是的,亲不好意思,把a lot of 看掉了谢谢谢谢,选择题能不能具体解释一下原因啊(1)it is...for..to do sth:固定搭配,对..来说做..是..的:句意为:对我们来说,在20分钟内完成作业是简单的(2)Thai land:指泰国,名字。句意要表达的意思是泰国的,所以加's句意:我从没去过泰国,但是我很喜欢泰国的食物(3)be import for:对..很重要句意:从很多方面来说,森林和陆地对动物和人类都是很重要的(4)until:直到..为止这题根据句意:问:这个明星会在上海呆多长时间回答:她会呆到八月结束(为止)祝您步步高升期望你的采纳,谢谢