帮忙把这几句英文翻译成中文,谢谢Well, in elementary school I was in special education classrooms, all through my educational life up until 10th grade. I say that as my first detail about myself with pride because I've transcended in personal growth. I'm not ashamed of having been considered "slow"­. Because now I am considered a bright student. I've been to the National Young Leaders Congress in Washington (NYLC), and have been admitted to the National.


Well, in elementary school I was in special education classrooms, all through my educational life up until 10th grade. I say that as my first detail about myself with pride because I've transcended in personal growth. I'm not ashamed of having been considered "slow"­. Because now I am considered a bright student. I've been to the National Young Leaders Congress in Washington (NYLC), and have been admitted to the National.
